Carnation Software
MacWise - Macintosh Terminal Emulation - telnet / serial for OS X - Wyse, Viewpoint, VT100, VT220

MacWise Version 11 History

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Fix - Attempting to do a Host to Mac or Mac to Host data transfer would hang if there was no connection open to the host. Now an alert will warn you if there is no open connection and will prevent attempts to start a data transfer until the connection is open.



Fix - SCO ANSI Mode now works with multiple insert and delete line commands .
ESC [ xx L //insert multiple lines
ESC [ xx M //delete multiple lines



Added iPhone and MacWise help item to the Help Menu which launches a web page with information about using VNC iPhone Apps to access MacWise.

Using MacWise With an iPhone



Fix - A new window opened from a second monitor could possibly open offscreen as an invisible window.



Opening a new window session was not using the window size of the current window. That was causing a problem for people with 25-line screens because the new window was opening as a standard 24-line screen. Now, all new windows opened will use the size of the current window as the new window size (if the preferences are set to remember window positions and size).



Installer was using scripts that required Rosetta. New Macs no longer need to wait for Rosetta to load during the install. Note that MacWise has been Intel native since version 11.0 but the installer scripts were not.



Feature - Added an option "No inverse video underlining" to the Video Options window. This allows compatibility with older versions of MacWise that did not allow reverse video to be underlined.

Fix - Aux / Slave printing. Was printing a blank page as the first page if the host sent a CHAR 12 as the first command. That old programming practice was used for line printers that needed to move the paper to the top of the next sheet of continuous paper. Not needed on the Mac so is now ignored.



Fix - Opening a URL under host control was not working.
ESC CTRL B < URL CR now works.
ESC CTRL B > URL CR also works.
PRINT CHAR(27):CHAR(2):"<":""
PRINT CHAR(27):CHAR(2):"<":""

Fix - The Keep-Alive window was missing the word, "Minutes"

Fix - "Special Host to Mac Commands" help document was missing from the MacWise folder.



Fix - Opening function key sets was working OK when double clicking on a fkey set in the Finder. But if you selected "Open Fkeys" from the "Function Key Options" window, you could possibly get a blank fkey set or garbage characters displayed in the function keys at the botom of the screen.

Fix - Changed the default setting for closing the modem port when quitting. The default setting now hangs up the modem when you quit. (an option under the Dialer Menu, "Disconnect Modem Upon Quit").



Fix - Televideo TV925 Emulation works better with some hosts now. Some illegal host commands are now absorbed instead of producing garbage on screen. Works with Alpha Micro AM-62 as Televideo.



Fix - Intel Macs were not showing the new "FlushOutput Character" option that was added in version 11.61. Also, did not have the MacWise Registration Form option that was added in version 11.53 under the Special Menu. This was because Intel Macs were using an older MacWiseResources file. Was not a problem on PPC Macs.



Fix - Fkeys are now protected from being erased by screen clearing routines.

Fix - Standard and iPhone sized window fonts were too large for fkeys to fit 7 characters of text. Changed from size 12 to size 10 for those window sizes.

Fix - Modem Initialization window had an extra text entry field. Removed it.

Feature - Added “FlushOutput Character = Control F instead of Control O ” to the Telnet Connection window. This allows a Control O to be sent to the host. Otherwise Control O would be absorbed by OS X and used as a FlushOutput character.



Fix - 156 column mode problems. When the text switched to 156 column mode under host control, the text size would be correct (smaller) until you started typing. Then it would get larger. Also, if you quit in 156 column mode and ran MacWise again, the text size would be too large.

Feature - Trailing spaces are now stripped from text copied into the clipboard when you lasso text with the mouse.



Fix - "Save Settings As..." was causing window problems if several windows were open.
When you attempted to close a window after saving settings, it could tell you to activate the window first, even though it was already activated. Also, could hang when quitting with multiple windows open that had been saved as...



Fix - Some Applescript commands not working - SetCaptureFile, DeleteCaptureFile and CaptureOn

Fix - This may also prevent some hosts from timing out during idle times and closing the connection.



Feature - French localization added.
MacWise can now use English or French Menus and Dialog Boxes.
It automatically uses the Preferred language that is in your International Preferences in OS X.
If you want to force MacWise to use one language or the other, do a Get Info on the MacWise application and uncheck the language you don't want to use. The manual has not been translated to French yet.

Thanks to Alain Pastor for the French Translations.



Fix - Could get garbage on screen if host sends cursor to the 10th row using VT100 or VT220 emulation.



Fix - The serial port menu was not getting updated when you selected Open Settings... or double clicked on a settings file. The serial port checked would not change but it was actually using the correct port from the settings file.

Fix - Opening and closing multiple serial port windows could cause a situation where new windows opened would replace the old window instead of adding a new one.

Fix - If you selected KeySerial1 port it would cause an error message saying that the port was already open. Then you could not open the real keyspan port.

Fix - Old serial port was not closing when you selected a new one. If you opened a new window and tried to open the old port, it would tell you that it was already in use.




Feature - Added option to reset all MacWise settings back to default (under the Settings Menu)

Feature - Added MacWise Registration Form to the Special Menu. It links to the registration form online.



Fix - Possible hang when processing some VT100 / VT220 ascii codes.



Fix - The Scroll Bar was intermittently getting disabled and dimmed.
This happened when any data was sent to the screen causing the scroll bar to move while MacWise was in the background. The symptom commomly occured when MacWise was in the background and the host timed out the telnet session, sending the "connection closed by foreign host" message and causing the scroll bar to move.



Fix - Cursor not positioned on the screen correctly if three-digit character position was used in Sco Ansi emulation.

Fix - Ansi foreground color codes were intermittently turning on underline characters.

Fix - Clicking on function keys, SF12 or SF13 in the larger 18 point window was causing an array bounds error.



Feature - When MacWise is first run, it now defaults to telnet mode instead of the Mac unix shell. It also launches a Telnet Quick Start help window with instructions for making the telnet connection.
Also, two new telnet help menu items have been added to the Help Menu.
Telnet Quick Start
Telnet Help



Fix - Taking too much time to launch MacWise.
Caused by changes in version 11.47
Now back to fast startup time.



Fix - AppleScript commands "CaptureOn" and "SendHostMessage" were not working with previous 11.x versions.
(See the folder called "MacWise Sample AppleScripts").



Fix - If you use a barcode scanner as keyboard input, some barcode scanners could intermittently cause the first character to be dropped when scanning a barcode to the MacWise screen.



Feature - New iPhone screen size can be selected from the Window Menu. MacWise can now be accessed from your iPhone or iPod using Mocha VNC

Download MacWise

Get instructions for using MacWise with iPhone



Fix - If you had "End Each Line with CR/LF" enabled in Mac To Host Transfer Options, it was not being remembered.



Fix - Screen Textwrap was not being remembered when you quit MacWise and ran again.



Fix - Keyboard input now much faster. If you are using a barcode reader, MacWise can now accept input from the reader at full speed.

Fix - This version also lets you use the -K telnet option to avoid problems during login where the login prompt is skipped and the password prompt is displayed instead.



Feature -This version adds a new 18-Point font size and large window.
This new window size fits perfectly on a MacBook Air screen.
It also fits nicely on other MacBook models.

The new 18-Point Font Window has a size of 1044 X 700
The MacBook Air native resolution is 1280 X 800, so the new MacWise window size leaves 100 pixels at the bottom for your Dock.

It also fits nicely on a 1024 X 768 screen filling the entire width and leaving room at the bottom for the Dock.



Fix - If the host tried to reset the arrow keys for Wyse 60 or Wyse 370 mode back to default, MacWise was blanking out the arrow keys instead of setting them to Wyse defaults.

Fix - Special 8-bit characters for function keys - Could not enter any special keystrokes in the Fkey Command field when editing function key commands.
(Option 2 or Option Shift G , etc.)



Feature - You can now optionally use the 24-point font and large window on a MacBook Air.
The MacBook Air screen is not tall enough to display the function keys at the bottom of the screen with this larger window. But you can use the function keys from the keyboard.


1. The MacBook Air and some other MacBook models have a default screen resolution of 1280 X 800.
The 24-point MacWise window is 1280 X 865 (65 pixels taller than the screen).
You will need to position the OS X Dock on the right side of the screen to make room for 24 lines of data in the MacWise window or hide the dock.

2. The bottom scroll bar arrow will not be visible. To scroll, use the page up/down keys.

3. Do not click on the green button to size the window smaller. That will only allow 21 lines of data to be displayed and will cause scrolling problems on a 24 line screen.

4. If the above limitations are a problem for you then please use the 16-point font and large window instead. People with aging eyes will appreciate the capability to use the larger 24-point font window on the small MacBook screen.



Fix - Version 11.32 was installing all of the MacWise files at the root level of the drive. The installer should create a MacWise 11 folder inside of the Applications folder. Also, MacWise font was not being installed.



Fix - The Clear key was intermittently not working. It is used in Wyse 60 and VT extended keypad modes.

Fix - Control E was not working.



Fix - Window transparency value was not being remembered when you quit.

Fix - Half duplex mode was not being remembered when you quit.



Fix - Terminal type may have not been recognized by the host with telnet connections.
The terminal type you enter in the Telnet Connection... window may have been ignored on some Macs. This problem surfaced in MacWise version 11 because it is faster than version 10 and was sending the telnet environment commands to the Mac unix shell too fast before opening the connection.



Feature - More VT220 keys supported - Insert, Del, Home and End.
The help key is used as the Insert key or you can use Option i.
(Help keys on some keyboards are labeled ins / help).

Note: the Page Up/Down keys in this group of keys were already supported by VT220.
Wyse 60 /370 emulation has always supported all of these keys.

Fix - After opening a new serial connection, the emulation window was not active until you clicked on it.

Fix - If preferences were set to "Mouse click sends column,row to host", then clicking the mouse was sending row 11 to the host instead of the actual row.

Fix - ESC ~a~ not working to run an Applescript under host control. You would get an error because the AppleScript folder could not be found.



Feature / Fix - Sped up event timing to make keystrokes faster.
Auto key repeat is now faster.

Fix - When the host switched to 132 column mode, it was possible that text would not appear on the screen to the right of the 80th column in some rare cases.

Fix - When you switch to 24 point window, the 132 column font will now change to 12 automatically, Also when you switch to 16 point window, it will change 132 column font to 9 automatically.

Fix - Now supports Origin Mode for VT100 / VT220

Fix - Allow Control O to be used with telnet when the "Use TC Shell" option is disabled.

Fix - Possible array bounds error if textwrap was turned off.



Fix - VT100 / VT220 emulation. When capturing text to a file or the clipboard or printing, it could be possible to output a blank line if the line was longer than the standard width and textwrap was off. The line of text would appear on the screen but not in the text output to the file, clipboard or printer. This problem was only in MacWise versions 11.19 and 11.2
Since this problem could be intermittent depending on line lengths and the status of textwrap, it is highly recommended that you upgrade to MacWise 11.21 or later if you are currently running 11.19 or 11.2 and are using VT100 or VT220 emulation.

Fix - If you selected SCO ANSI emulation, the Window Menu would have a checkmark on Standard Window as well as the actual window size you were using.



Fix - VT100 / VT220 top and bottom margin problems.
Now works correctly with DEC VMS ev Editor.

Fix - Allow host to enable and disable textwrap for VT100 / VT220



Feature - Added “Use SLnet options with Kermit” to the Preferences window.
This lets you use Kermit to log into hosts that are using Seattle Lab's SLnet telnet server. This option should not be enabled if your host is not using SLnet.
Kermit file transfers may not start if this option is set incorrectly.

Feature - Added ? help icon in the Preferences Window. When you click on this icon, you get a help window explaining all of the preferences options.

Fix - If you double clicked on a function key and changed the title, the change would not be remembered. This problem was introduced in version 11.15



Fix - VT100 arrow keys were not working in emacs editor. It uses Set Mode arrow keys.

Fix - Could not send Control L or Control K from the keyboard.



Feature - Arrow Keys can now be programmed with multiple control and escape sequences.

Fix - If using Command [ or ] to switch windows and you did it too fast, the check mark in the window menu would end up on the wrong window item and it would not allow you to switch windows until you clicked on one to select it.

Fix - Left arrow could not be programmed with Viewpoint Emulation.

Fix - VT100 / VT220 arrow keys.



Feature - Programmable Arrow Keys.
You can now program each arrow key with your own control or escape sequence.
Some host computers are programmed to use non-standard control codes for the arrow keys. Now you can accommodate those hosts by entering the code that the host wants to use for each arrow key.

Fix - The scroll back buffer is now cleared when you change window sizes using the Window Menu. Previous versions would have an incorrect scrollback buffer when you switched window sizes.

Fix - If you quit MacWise while a dialog box was open, the next time you ran MacWise, the emulation window would be the size of the dialog box and the background color would change to white.

Fix - Connection Scripts were not working with Kermit because it has a lot more messages during login which was exceeding the 2000 character limit for the "Wait For Text" . Changed to 10000. This could have also been a problem when verbose mode was enabled.

Fix / Feature - When Kermit data transfers are done, MacWise now presents a dialog box telling you the data transfer is done and the file is in your kermit_transfers folder. It now also opens the folder for you automatically when the transfer is done.

Fix - If you clicked away from a dialog window or clicked on the ? icon, and then clicked back on the dialog box, you could not click on any button to place text in an edit field because the dialog box was no longer the output window. Also, the dialog box could become transparent.



Fix - Copy and paste was not working from the Edit Menu when dialog boxes were open.

Fix - If Caps Lock enabled in the Emulate Menu, then change to lower case if shift key down or caps lock key down.

Fix - Lassoing a section of text on the screen was not working if you dragged the mouse from lower right to upper left. Also, the starting point of the drag is now accurate.

Fix - Installer now warns you if MacWise is running and must quit before new version of MacWise is run.



Fix - International dialog box was not letting you select any foreign languages.

Fix - Shifted function keys from the keyboard were not working on some Macs.

Fix - Could not turn capture on and off with keyboard command C.



Feature - SCO ANSI function key set is now included in the fkeys folder.

Fix - Function keys were still not working with some Macs.

Fix - If MacWise was not running and you double-clicked on a settings file, It would try to use International as the settings file. Since International is not a settings file, the settings would become corrupted.

Fix - Phone dialer settings files were not working when double clicked on them.

Fix - Typing a P was sending a Control P also. Problem introduced in version 11.06



Fix - Function keys would not work on some Macs.
See the support page for more information about function keys.

Fix - Double clicking or dragging a settings file was not loading the correct settings.

Fix - Could not uncheck Backspace = Delete if you checked it.

Fix - Scroll bar was getting disabled if you hid MacWise and then brought it back active.



Page up / Down keys were causing a crash.

Printing multiple pages was printing garbage or left over text from earlier in the document on the last page. Reverted back to the 10.9 printing routine for now.

Scroll commands from the host were scrolling in the wrong direction.

If you had Print Screen as Graphic selected in Printer Setup, you would crash when you printed the screen.

Selecting Fkey Sets... from the Emulate Menu was disabling the scroll bar.



Universal version of MacWise runs natively on Intel and Power PC Macs. Previous versions ran under Rosetta on Intel Macs. This version is much faster.

New Features:

SPEED! Runs natively on Intel and PPC Macs. No more Rosetta. This was accomplished by converting the entire MacWise project from Basic to C.
Added an option to enable or disable raw Unix mode for telnet, secure shell and the Mac Unix shell. This provides more compatibility options for connecting to host computers via the Mac Unix shell. Turning off this option may let you log into hosts that would not respond to keystrokes.
Added a "?" icon to several dialog boxes, which links to a "Help" pop-up, and added "Help" to many dialog box items, which appears when you hover the mouse over the text.
Cleaned up the MacWise 11 folder by creating more folders and moving all help files inside.
Connection Scripts... is located under the Connection Menu now instead of the File Menu.
The standard Apple installer is now used.

By Rich Love

Special thanks to Robert Purves, Brian Stevens, Bernie and other members of the FBtoC team who made it possible for me to convert MacWise from FutureBasic to a universal Carbon C application with their free FBtoC software as well as their great support.
This was a seven-month long project.


Fix - None of the document icons were working in Leopard.
Now, the Phone icon, QuickDial icon, Fkey icon and Settings icons work.

Fix - Mouse Click Delimiter window was returning back to emulation window when closed. Now returns back to preferences window, as it should.


MacWise version 25 history

MacWise version 24 history

MacWise version 23 history

MacWise version 22 history

MacWise version 21 history

MacWise version 20 history

MacWise version 19 history

MacWise version 18 history

MacWise version 17 history

MacWise version 16 history

MacWise version 15 history

MacWise version 14 history

MacWise version 12 history

MacWise version 11 history

MacWise version 10 history



NOTE: MacWise version 1.0 was originally released January 1, 1996 as a slimmed down version of MacToPic. Over the years, it became a full featured app.
(MacToPic was released in 1989).

Here is the complete History of MacWise